The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, with the technical and financial support of the World Bank, through IBRD loan No. 8963-PY, continues the development of the project to Strengthen the Public Health Sector, with a total investment of USD 115 million , to expand access to quality primary health care (PHC) services.
Among the actions already executed are the purchases to face the waves of COVID-19, both of medicines and supplies, for a value of USD 9 million, already distributed in the different establishments in the country.
Similarly, the implementation of the “incentive payment for compliance with health goals” strategy, with 93 Local Health Councils adhering, 66 of them receiving payment for reaching health goals in the first quarter of this year, adding USD. 87,692-.
This new health management model seeks to support the operating expenses of the Family Health Units (FHU), allowing investment in maintenance, minor repairs, purchase of supplies and cleaning elements, logistics for carrying out activities that encourage citizen participation in health care, among others. This strategy requires accountability and that citizens get involved and act as controllers within the Local Councils present in the municipalities.
Another advance was the installation of furniture for the User Attention Service (SAU), located in 18 points distributed throughout the country, which allows knowing and attending to the needs of users, reaching an investment of USD. 49,833-.
In addition, the environmental and social management framework was developed, which will accompany the project activities, in order to mitigate the negative impact of the planned constructions and actions, both on the environment and on the surrounding populations, with a marked emphasis on intercultural care.
For the second half of this year, the construction of 31 Family Health Units in Cordillera, Paraguarí and Central is expected, reaching 23 districts of the country, with an investment of USD. 4,193,170-. Currently, the environmental licenses for the execution of the works have already been authorized, and prior technical training was carried out for the construction companies on the correct implementation of socio-environmental management, which also includes this project.