What data does the birth certificate have?
The document details the name, sex, nationality, date and place of your birth, as well as the affiliation with the parents or the people who have parental authority.
Does the birth certificate lose validity?
Among the requirements to carry out some procedures, they request the current birth certificate, so the question arises as to whether this role loses validity.
Given this doubt, the Ministry of the Interior details that the birth certificate does not lose validity, in addition to the fact that those printed in electronic media have the same official validity.
“The birth certificate is not valid. The one issued through gob.mx has an issue date, some government procedures request the birth certificate with a defined issue date. Take it into account when you access the service, ”explains the federal agency.
According to the CDMX government, the birth certificate loses its validity only in two cases: when the person dies or when a person changes their name or sex.