See the schedule of candidates for the Presidency of the Republic today (29):
Ciro Gomes (PDT): the candidate participates, at 11:30 am, in a meeting at the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries (Abdib).
Eymael Constituent (DC): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Felipe D’Ávila (New): in the morning, the candidate goes through a sabbath at Rádio Serra Dourada Bahia and then participates in the Abdib Forum.
Jair Bolsonaro (PL): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Leo Pericles (UP): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Lula (PT): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Pablo Marcal (Pros): the candidate did not disclose the agenda.
Roberto Jefferson (PTB): the candidate is under house arrest and has no planned public agenda.
Simone Tebet (MDB): the candidate visits, in the morning, the Center for Children and Adolescents of the União Brasileiro Israelita do Bem Estar Social (Unibes), in São Paulo. Then, she records an electoral partisan program and participates in an interview.
Sofia Manzano (PCB): has no external activities. According to the advisor, the candidate only participates in recordings.
Soraya Thronicke (Union): the candidate’s agenda will be in São Paulo. In the morning, he participates in the Meeting with the Candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, on Avenida Paulista. At 12:30, she meets with foreign election observers and, after that, an interview and recording for electoral propaganda.
Vera Lucia (PSTU): the candidate has an agenda in Passo Fundo (RS). In the early afternoon, she participates in leafleting at Cecy School. At 2 pm and 4:30 pm, she gives interviews to the radio and newspaper Morning Diary and to Planalto FM radio. It then participates in leafleting and, at 7 pm, in the launch of the candidacy for the state deputy of Marilei.
Article updated at 9:27 am to add to candidate Simone Tebet’s agenda.