The premier’s request falls on two public complaints, one of them related to the removal of prosecutor Bersabeth Revilla, who was in charge of the investigation in which the sister of the head of the Public ministryJudge Emma Benavides.
“The JNJ not only appoints prosecutors and judges; it also controls their functional exercise or if they incur in serious contradictions. Faced with these public denunciations of what happened in the Office of the Prosecutor of the Nation, what is the JNJ doing? Nothing nothing. And in exchange for what do we pay them those succulent salaries that they receive?”, he expressed yesterday during a meeting in Tarapoto with authorities from the San Martín region.
Given this, the JNJ issued a statement. “In the framework of its autonomy and independence, the JNJ does not accept any pressure in the exercise of its constitutional functions”reads the letter.
LOOK: JNJ evaluates Susel Paredes’ complaint against the National Prosecutor
He added that, according to current regulations, the complaints against Benavides were admitted in a timely manner and will be acted upon “in strict observance of the law and respecting due process”.
Aníbal Torres’ statements came after several weeks in which the Executive has tried to delegitimize the work of the Attorney General’s Office and the Judiciary in relation to peter castle and his close environment for alleged acts of corruption in his management.
For former Minister of Justice Marisol Pérez Tello, these are complaints without legal basis that are used to distract attention from investigations against the government.
“The premier uses the confrontation as a basis for dialogue, against the prosecutor and against everyone. It’s not pressure, it’s arrogance. He has the spirit of a dictator. That’s why he admires Hitler, he doesn’t surprise these attitudes”, he told Peru21.
knew that
- The complaints indicated by Torres were made by Susel Paredes (Integrity and Development). One is for the withdrawal of prosecutor Revilla and the other is for the change of prosecutor Frank Almanza from the Sánchez Paredes case.
- Yesterday, at the National Defense Day ceremony at the Army General Headquarters, Castillo pointed out his opponents as undemocratic. “The opponents of democracy seek to roll back the progress we have made“, said.