The spokesperson for the student union of the Artigas Institute of Professors (IPA), Gimena Bruscianosaid he did not know “who it was” that insulted the President Luis Lacalle Pou this Thursday in Florida when a group of teachers approached the president to recriminate him about the educational reform. He denied that it was anything arranged or coordinated.
“I’m not going to comment on what the other teammates do. I don’t even know who it was, I can’t comment on that.”, expressed when consulted by the press. She said that the union holds meetings “constantly” to define measures and evaluate what has been done so far.
He complained about the government’s actions regarding educational transformation. He said: “What they are doing is imposing it, at no time were we or the teachers consulted.” They ask “to be heard” and “to work together”.
For her part, the general secretary of the Uruguayan Federation of Teachers, Elbia Pereira, affirmed that her union did not call for any demonstration and detached herself from those events. “Our organization did not make any statement regarding the President of the Republic. We disagree with the economic policy carried out by the government, it is not against people, it is possible for someone to present himself as an educator. Educators is a lot and it is very broad” , he expressed.
And he added: “The Uruguayan Federation of Teachers did not intimidate, did not call any legislator, any educational actor in this case or any institution of the Republic to any manifestation of public escrache. We handled ourselves differently.” Pereira is also secretary general of the PIT-CNT.