Today, Friday, August 26, AFP members who were unable to request the withdrawal of up to 4 UIT (S/ 18,400) from their pension funds on the previous dates, will now be able to do so freely.
That said, it is important to mention that until Monday, July 25, were the calendar dates where members could do this procedure according to their ID number. But, from July 26 to September 10 are the “free dates” where all those who could not do so previously for different reasons can apply.
The four AFPs in the country: Habitat, Integra, Profuturo and Prima, published the official schedule for members of the Private Pension System (SPP) to register.
As on previous occasions, this request mechanism will be carried out online through will be active from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
How to register my AFP withdrawal request?
Next, we explain the steps you must follow to register your AFP withdrawal request.
- You must enter the following link
- Once the website is enabled, you must check what day you are allowed to submit your application, according to the last digit of your ID.
- Fill in the requested information and click on ‘Consult’. If a message appears confirming that you are eligible to make the withdrawal, go to Register request.
- Set up your own bank account where you can receive your extraordinary withdrawal.
- Choose your bank and add the account number. Otherwise, you can continue the procedure, but your AFP will contact you in the following days to coordinate the disbursement.
How will withdrawals be made?
The withdrawal schedule has been determined as follows:
- First disbursement of up to 1 UIT (S/ 4,600): Within a maximum period of 30 calendar days, computed from the filing of the request with the AFP.
- Second disbursement of up to 1 UIT (S/ 4,600): Within a maximum period of 30 calendar days, computed from the date of the first disbursement by the AFP.
- Third disbursement for the remainder of the amount requested up to 2 UIT (S/ 9,200): Within a maximum period of 30 calendar days, computed from the second disbursement made by the AFP.
In addition, the rule states that the approved withdrawal of funds maintains the status of intangible, and may not be subject to discount, legal or contractual compensation, embargo, retention, or in any way affected, whether by judicial or administrative order, without distinction. of the account in which they have been deposited.
What is stated in this provision does not apply to judicial or conventional withholdings derived from child support debts, up to a maximum of 30% of the amount withdrawn.