Santo Domingo.- The Institutionality and Justice Foundation (FINJUS) delivered to the president of the Chamber of Deputies a list of more than 20 initiatives that are taking place in this body and that it considers to be priorities for strengthening the country’s democratic institutions.
Servio Tulio Castaños Guzmán, executive vice president of FINJUS, handed over the document to Alfredo Pacheco, whom he congratulated for the efforts made by the institution he directs aimed at producing legislation for the institutional strengthening of the Dominican Republic.
Among the projects contained in the document are the reforms of the Penal, Civil and Civil Procedure codes; amendment to the law on smuggling of migrants and human trafficking, law on Cybercrime and the initiative on protection of witnesses and victims.
Also the reform initiatives to the purchase and contracting law, to the law that regulates the Dominican notary, which creates the comprehensive system for the eradication of violence against women as well as the electoral and party regime.
Other projects that are in progress in the Chamber of Deputies and that FINJUS considers a priority are the law that regulates pardons, the oversight and control law of the National Congress, the reform of the law on the Comptroller General of the Republic, and the national internal control system.
Likewise, the bill on water, publicity and state communication, organic law on territorial planning, housing and human settlements and the initiative on protection of the right to privacy and honor, among others.
Castaños Guzmán made FINJUS available to the Chamber of Deputies in terms of providing technical assistance for the aforementioned initiatives.