The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic by the PSTU, Vera Lúcia, defended again today (24) the nationalization of private education, the end of the vestibular and free access to public higher education. The candidate also stated that she intends to use the money that currently finances students in private universities to expand public education.
“Many students either pay expensive tuition, or go into debt or struggle to get a scholarship. The problem is that these bags do not come out of the businessman’s pocket, as would be the case. But it is the government transferring public money to the education entrepreneurs to get richer. They use the youth dream of going to college to enrich college owners,” Vera said on social media.
“What we advocate is that this money is used to expand public and free education. With the nationalization of private education, the end of the vestibular and free access to higher education, we would be able to greatly expand higher education in the country,” he added.
The candidate met today with students from the Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). She also faced a sabbath promoted by the newspapers O Globo and Valor Econômico and by radio CBN.
stay inside the schedule of candidates for the presidency for this Wednesday.