The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Pablo Marçal, from the Pros, said today (24) that, if elected, he will create the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and that, through it, he will stimulate the creation of 10 million companies in the country. For the candidate, what makes a nation prosper and increase the purchasing power of its citizens “is productivity, the entrepreneurial culture applied in all spheres of society”.
“In addition to leveraging the country’s economy, entrepreneurship will activate and support every Brazilian who wishes to undertake”, he added, justifying the neologism that will give the new ministry its name.
According to him, “each Brazilian can create solutions; directing and managing small and large businesses, with the aim of bringing sustenance and providing a full life for his family, thus increasing the energy of the Brazilian economy”, he said in a press release.
To facilitate the creation of these enterprises, Marçal will adopt as a strategy the “tax simplification” and the creation of an expedient to be called Return on Public Administration, through which “a single intelligent tax will be established to replace eleven federal taxes”. He completed that
“We are going to reduce bureaucracy and tax evasion, increasing social justice and employability”, he added.
Check the candidates’ agenda to the Presidency this Wednesday.