This staff grouped in the Committee of former officials of the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning, was dismissed between 2019-2020 and 2015-2016
Former officials of the Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning (Miviot), denounced the non-compliance with the payment of acquired rights such as: tenth and vacations, for which the Ombudsman’s Office opened a complaint for possible violation of rights to members of the Committee of ex-Miviot officials who they were removed between 2019-2020 and 2015-2016.
The Ombudsman, Eduardo Leblanc explained that the former officials demand their rights and will receive the corresponding accompaniment from the institution that protects human rights.
“These people were dismissed between 2019-2020 while others were also dismissed between 2015-2016 and feeling that their rights have been violated, they have proceeded to open a complaint and they have a guarantee of accompaniment so that the payment of vacations and tenth is achieved. third month,” said Eduardo Leblanc González.
For her part, Dariana Garibaldi, spokeswoman for the former Miviot officials, was pleased with the attention received from the Ombudsman.