Fifty students from the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP), were chosen by the Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (Ifarhu) to carry out internships in Italy through the entity’s scholarship program.
According to Bernardo Meneses, director of Ifarhu, this is the fifth group of students from state universities who are traveling for two weeks to gain a foothold in maritime matters, seeing in practice what is taught to them in the classroom.
He stressed that these scholarships are for undergraduate students, who will carry out these internships abroad. He indicated that students from the University of Panama have already traveled through this program and that next week the UMIP students will be able to travel to Italy.
For his part, the rector of the UMIP, Victor Javier Luna Barahona, explained that an agreement was signed to be able to carry out the internships that are for students of the Engineering degree.
“Definitely it will be a very profitable experience for our students, this opportunity to travel to Italy that has been historically has had a preponderant and large maritime sector,” he said, reiterating that they continue to satisfy the human resource that the maritime sector requires in the country.
Currently, the UMIP offers 12 careers in the maritime field and has an enrollment of 1,250 students.