August 22, 2022, 12:21 PM
August 22, 2022, 12:21 PM
the president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, considered “correct” that his vice president, Hugo Velázquez, resign from office after being accused of corruption by the United States, although he admitted that he respects his decision to remain in office, local media reported this Sunday.
“I think the right thing to do is resign, but I absolutely respect his decision. I have no power of dismissal and I respect his decision”said the president in an interview he gave this Sunday night to the “Politically Incorrect” program on the Telefuturo channel.
“If I had been in that situation, I would have resigned from the Vice Presidency of the Republic,” added the head of state, who admitted that it is a painful situation and that it is not easy to manage.
He said he had congratulated his vice president after he said he was willing to leave the post and his candidacy for the Presidency for the ruling Colorado Party.
Velázquez asks for evidence
Nevertheless, Velázquez retracted his initial announcement on Thursday to step aside in the Government of Abdo Benítez and requested, instead, evidence of the accusations against him. He agreed to drop his political candidacy.
Asked about his position in case of facing a US sanction, Abdo Benítez said he was ready to resign “at the moment” to safeguard the interests and image of his country.
Last August 22, The United States accused Velázquez and Juan Carlos Duarte, now a former adviser to the binational entity Yacyretá (EBY), of participating “in significant acts of corruption.”among them the offer of bribes and interference in public processes and vetoed his entry and that of his close relatives to that country.