The Regional Health Management (Geresa) reported yesterday that the infections for monkey pox They went from 18 to 22 in the last 24 hours, according to information from the epidemiology area, they are all men and of them, the 60% is from people who live with the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV).
The statistics do not differ from the national data on infections reported by the Ministry of Health, at the national level 64.1% of the 937 organized with monkeypox has HIV as a pathological background.
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Monitoring. Jorge Velarde Larico, Geresa’s chief of epidemiology, maintained that, until now, none of the cases have required medical attention and comply with their isolation in their homes.
Regarding the risk group, he said that all of them are on their retroviral treatment for HIV and should not leave it aside during the process of evolution of smallpox. “They are the ones who worry us, because there is the precedent of what happened in Lima, where there was one of those infected for abandoning his treatment. We are constantly monitoring the status and evolution of it ”Said Velarde after emphasizing that no one should be stigmatized, since any person, whatever their condition, can become infected through physical contact, saliva droplets and even a kiss.
However, he stated that a workplan to spread among the population the care they must have to avoid contracting the disease, such as maintaining physical distance, use of masks and washing of.
Much more specific work will also be done with the risk groups which will focus on following up on cases, as well as the disease control. The specialist said that monkeypox cases will continue to grow, but it will not be explosive like COVID-19. The INS is expected to report the results of 16 samples.
Arequipa is the fourth region after Lima, Callao and La Libertad, with the highest number of infections in the country.