▲ March in CDMX for the nine months since the disappearance of the 43, in June 2015. Below, proceedings in the Cocula garbage dump after the attack.Photo Pablo Ramos and courtesy PGR
Jessica Xanthomilla and Emir Olivares
Newspaper La Jornada
Friday, August 19, 2022, p. 4
To reach the preliminary conclusions of the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa case, its members consulted 41,168 documents provided by 15 federal and state agencies, 17,000 of them military archives of the Ministry of National Defense ( Sedena) in the regions, zones and military battalions in Guerrero and its intelligence area.
Among the documents also stands out the information requested by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador from the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, about the intervention of communications by Washington to members of the Guerreros Unidos criminal organization during the days of the events and that was handed over to the Special Unit for Investigation and Litigation of the Ayotzinapa Case (Ueilca).
17 thousand 20 audios and transcripts of communications interventions provided by the Intelligence Directorate of the National Guard of the monitoring of 133 subjects between September 26 and 30, 2014 were reviewed.
Testimony was obtained from 115 people involved in some way in the case, including individuals deprived of their liberty, perpetrators who were released for having been subjected to torture, perpetrators detained for crimes other than the case, former federal, state and municipal officials, witnesses , collaborators and family members.
To date, 101 search actions have been carried out in seven municipalities of Guerrero: Cocula, Eduardo Neri, Huitzuco, Iguala, Taxco, Tepecoacuilco and Totolapan, totaling 675 work days.
In 17 of these actions, 27 bodies and more than a thousand remains were recovered, 32 were sent to the Genetic Identification Laboratory of the University of Innsbruck, in Austria, which allowed the identification of Jhosivani Guerrero de la Cruz, Christian Alfonso Rodríguez and Alexander Mora .
At the same time, the forensic analysis of the prosecutor’s offices of the Republic (FGR) and the state of Guerrero of 245 bodies rescued from clandestine graves by institutions and groups of seeking families from Iguala and other municipalities was followed up. It was possible to identify 30 and 16 have already been delivered to their relatives, none of them matched the DNA of the normalistas.
Within the judicialization process, by February 2022 the Ueilca had requested 110 arrest warrants, of which 98 were granted, which has allowed the arrest of 112 people involved in the events, among whom are members of Guerreros Unidos, former civil servants and a military man.