The Prosecutor of the Panameñista Party, Porfirio Batista, spoke this Friday about the expulsion process against the former deputy and current candidate for free candidacy in Chame, Adolfo “Beby” Valderrama.
Batista declared that, as a political party, “we cannot participate in the distortion of democracy by accepting that a member of a political party run for free candidacy.”
Along the same lines, he revealed that it has been decided to open an expulsion process for the candidates, members of the Panameñista Party who aspire to free candidacy, since in the internal statutes of the group, specifically Article 118 establishes as grounds for expulsion ” to the member of the party who intends to run for the free candidacy and has not requested permission from the National Directorate”.
He indicated that the expulsion process has already begun against Mr. Adolfo Valderrama, as well as for Víctor Medina and Melitón Arrocha.
“The first case that we are going to present is on Monday that we already have a tax hearing against Mr. Adolfo Valderrama, as for the others, we still need to gather information,” he remarked.
He explained that the Court of Honor of the party that is made up of five members is convened, they admit the tax hearing, set a hearing date and notify Valderrama. You go to a hearing and that same day, according to the statutes, a decision is made. “If he is expelled, which is what we expect, he has an appeal before the National Directory, which has 30 days to set the date to meet; if the Directory does not meet, it is understood that the decision is ratified and he would only have via the Electoral Court,” he stressed.
Batista expressed that as an independent figure, they are focused on bringing order, and considered that those people who have received benefits from the party should also have a greater commitment.