A total of 78 of the 155 deputies must undergo a drug test, within the framework of a new internal regulation that seeks to give “transparency” to parliamentary work and prevent drug trafficking crimes.
The deputies were selected in a lottery held in Congress, located in the port of Valparaíso (120 km west of Santiago), at the launch of the new drug control regulation of the Lower House approved last July.
“The regulation seeks to raise the standards of transparency in parliamentary work, in addition to avoiding crimes related to drug trafficking and any relationship of this scourge with the Chamber,” said a statement from the Chamber of Deputies.
“A deadline has been established that is between August 22 and 30 for the deputies to go to the laboratory of the University of Chile to carry out this hair test,” said Raúl Soto, president of the Chamber of Deputies, one of those drawn. to undergo the exam.
At the end of September, the remaining deputies must apply the test. The results, which will be available in 10 to 15 days, would be public and, if positive, bank secrecy could be lifted to show that there are no movements of money that cannot be justified.
The test will be six-monthly and will be applied at least twice to each parliamentarian within his four-year term.
“I don’t get supplies illegally, I don’t buy, they give it to me. At some point in my life, when I was younger, I planted. I had two outdoor plants in my best time, nothing very elaborate,” said the deputy. leftist, Jaime Sáez, who openly declared using marijuana two weeks ago.
“I also smoke, I’m not ashamed, and I grow my plants so as not to feed the coffers of drug trafficking,” said Ana María Gazmuri, a deputy and activist in favor of marijuana use.