27 member states of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) approved a new resolution that “strongly” condemns the forced closure of non-governmental organizations, as well as the harassment and arbitrary restrictions of religious organizations and voices critical of the regime .
The countries insisted on the immediate release of all political prisoners, the end of the persecution of the independent press, and the guarantee of freedom of expression in Nicaragua. The Permanent Council entrusted the Secretary General, Luis Almagro, with transmitting the resolution to the regime of Daniel Ortega.
Related news: OAS delegations condemn the “unsustainable abuses” perpetrated by Ortega
The permanent observer Holy See before the Organization of American States (OAS), Monsignor Juan Antonio Cruz Serrano, spoke about the persecution against the Catholic Church in Nicaragua. During his brief speech, the advisor to the Nunciature advocated “dialogue” in the country.
In the midst of the repressive escalation against the Catholic Church, the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo ordered the Police to deny permits to the Archdiocese of Managua to carry out the closing procession of the Marian Congress with the pilgrim image of Our Lady of Fatima, saying goodbye to Nicaraguan territory.
Through a statement, the Archdiocese, presided over by Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, stated that, “bearing witness to tolerance and a spirit of peace, (and) in the circumstances that our country is currently experiencing,” the procession scheduled for Saturday, August 13 it will not develop.
The police institution informed the Church that the measure responds to an alleged internal security reason. The bishops chose to carry out the procession inside the Managua Cathedral.
Monsignor Silvio Baez, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Managua, described as “kidnapping” the situation that lives Monsignor Rolando Alvarezwhom the regime prohibited from leaving the episcopal curia of Matagalpa and has been besieging him for a week.
Bishop Báez condemned the “kidnapping of Monsignor Álvarez by the dictatorship”, and expressed his love and prayers towards the religious. Through his social networks, he demanded that the regime free the eleven people that he keeps detained in the curia.
The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, appointed León Fredy Muñoz as ambassador to Nicaragua, after months of diplomatic tensions between the previous Colombian government, led by Iván Duque, and the regime of Daniel Ortega.
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The designated, León Fredy Muñoz, was the one who broke the news through his Twitter account, stating that “the reestablishment of relations with Nicaragua will be a reality and doors are opened for Colombia to return to brotherhood in Latin America”
Colombian media place Fredy Muñoz as a subject accused of alleged drug trafficking in 2018. He is a former congressman who, according to them, arrives in Nicaragua after failing in his attempt to reach the Senate of the Republic.