From the Editorial Office
Newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, August 11, 2022, p. 12
Zoé Robledo, general director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) said that the institution and the social security agencies must join forces to evaluate and recognize the growing expense for the payment of pensions, mitigate structural problems and address the fragmentation of the system. to clean up finances and generate more resources for retirees.
At the opening of the first international seminar Strengthening of pension systems to expand coverage, sufficiency and financial sustainabilityheld at the Inter-American Conference on Social Security (CISS), said that a strong system is required in which all those involved contribute.
We all care and it is convenient to have healthy finances, greater resources and we should all care; It is convenient for us to harmonize the pension system and understand it for what it is: a social right
The also president of the CISS, recalled that on July 22, 2020, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador instructed pensioners to take the necessary decisions for social justice and that they retire with dignity.
Thus, since December of that year the first steps were taken with the reform of the Social Security Law that has sought to recover the essence of the pension system, the increase in contributions from employers, the cap on the commissions charged by the Afore, the promotion of a more flexible scheme for obtaining a guaranteed minimum pension and the decrease in the weeks quote
He considered that the effects of this reform they are already noticeable
although the work is still not completed, the pending issues must be resolved and the task of strengthening the pension system must not be stopped.