From the Editorial Office
Newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, August 9, 2022, p. eleven
Mexican Food Security (Segalmex) through the Bean Grain Support Program suitable for Sowing, corresponding to the spring-summer 2022 cycle, began delivering seed to small-scale bean producers in Zacatecas, Durango and Chihuahua.
The program consists of Segalmex lending bean grain seed to eligible producers, who are served at any of the 18 distribution centers authorized to carry out this process.
In a statement, he indicated that the available varieties are Pinto Saltillo for farmers in Chihuahua; Pinto Saltillo and black San Luis, for those from Durango, and black San Luis for producers from Zacatecas, who, upon receiving the grain loan, agree to return it in kind when they harvest their respective crops.
This scheme, which operates in the context of the Guarantee Prices program for Basic Food Products, will close operations on August 27.