Truck drivers with a valid CPF and registered with the National Registry of Road Cargo Transporters (RNTR-C) until May 31, 2022, in the “Active” modality, begin to receive the first installments of the emergency benefit to autonomous cargo transporters from August 9th.
The Truck Driver-TAC Benefit is valid until December 31, 2022 and will be paid in six monthly installments, in the amount of R$ 1 thousand. On August 9, truck drivers will receive two installments, the first and second, for the months of July and August. Therefore, the first payment will total R$ 2 thousand, as explained by the Minister of Labor and Welfare, José Carlos Oliveira, in the program Brazil on the agendagives TV Brazil.
“All truck drivers with active registration until May 31, 2002 will be covered with payment of the benefit”, he stated. The following lots, worth R$ 1 thousand (each), will be available for payment on September 24th, October 22nd, November 26th and December 17th.
Taxi driver benefit
Taxi drivers, according to Oliveira, will receive the July and August installments on August 16th. The value is the same as for truck drivers, R$1,000, totaling R$2,000 on the 16th. “We turned to city halls to identify potential beneficiaries and we already have more than 300,000 taxi drivers registered,” he said. The minister also recalled, during the interview, that it is not yet defined how many installments will be paid to taxi drivers.
The benefits will be paid to truck drivers and taxi drivers to face the state of emergency resulting from the rise in the price of oil, fuel and its derivatives and the resulting social impacts.
Medical certificate online
The Minister of Labor and Welfare, José Carlos Oliveira, recalled, during the interview with Brazil on the agenda, that Social Security policyholders who need to undergo medical examination will be able to register medical documentation through the Meu INSS application. In this way, the assessment of the certificate can be carried out remotely by a federal medical expert.
The novelty took effect on July 29 this year. “With the certificates that the citizen has placed in the INSS system, the doctor, at a distance, will carry out the analysis and will be able to grant the benefit”, he explained. The measure applies to benefits valid for up to 3 months. Above that, the expertise needs to be in person.
INSS Pounds
Another novelty highlighted by the minister is the possibility for the deaf or hard of hearing person to be accompanied by their interpreter or translator of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), during assistance at the INSS. The initiative went into effect on July 29 this year.
“There in São Paulo, for example, we partnered with the city hall and, in the Social Security agencies, devices are being placed, the insured accesses this device and the distance has a Libras interpreter that will allow a better service. And, in addition, we started a training process in all INSS agencies in Brazil so that our servers are prepared to receive people who have a hearing impairment”, he explained.
job generation
Also in the interview, the Minister of Labor and Social Security spoke about the creation of formal jobs in 2002. According to the minister, the forecast is to close the year with more people with a formal contract than in 2021, when Brazil generated 2.7 million of new formal jobs.
“I don’t know if everyone knows, but Brazil was the G20 country that generated the most jobs and had the lowest unemployment rate at the moment”, he pointed out.
The program with the Minister of Labor and Welfare, José Carlos Oliveira, will air this Sunday, August 7, at 10:30 pm, on TV Brazil.