The Association of Professors of the USB spoke out questioning the document and points out that what was written responds to the opening of an investigation against the students that was decided by the interim authorities of the university
The Federation of Student Centers of the Simon Bolivar University (FCE USB) issued a statement this Friday, April 5, in which they retract and “offer apologies” to the interim academic vice-rector of this house of studies, Víctor Theoktisto -appointed by the National University Council (CNU)- for accusing him of pressuring to the coordination of Mechanical Engineering to approve reports of internships that “did not meet the standards.”
The three-paragraph document, written with a peculiar selection of phrases such as “a broadcast of national and planetary scope” and marked by an exacerbated tone of absolute apology towards the authorities, was published without further context on the official Twitter account of the FCE USB.
The statement in the best style of a predetermined script puts in the voice of the student representation that: «The board of directors of the FCE USB retracts without mitigating all the accusations contained in our excused communication and asks the academic vice-rector Víctor Theoktisto to accept our most sincere apologies for the damage caused to his academic and personal reputation. In the aforementioned statement we also made high-sounding and disrespectful comments in its form, style and selection of terms to the authorities of the USB”, according to the letter published this Friday, August 5, which is signed only by two of the members of the board. of the student federation: the president of the FCE, David Cedeño and the secretary Angelo Parucho.
— FCEUSB (@FCEUSB) August 5, 2022
The first communication of the USB
This statement full of excuses and apologies responds to a communication, issued on March 29, by the Simón Bolívar University (Ceimec) Mechanical Engineering Student Center in which they rejected the dismissal of the Mechanical Engineering coordinator, Professor Nathaly Moreno, for not giving in to approving internship reports that “did not meet the standards,” and demanding her reinstatement in office.
Statement from the Mechanical Engineering Student Center (@ceimec_usb) referring to the unjust dismissal of Professor Nathaly Moreno (@nathalyeskeila) as coordinator of our career.
— CEIMEC_USB (@ceimec_usb) March 29, 2022
At that time, the interim authorities holding the position, specifically the academic vice-rector Víctor Theoktisto, were required to to desist from Moreno’s dismissal procedure, which had been arbitrary and full of irregularities.
Both the academic vice-chancellor and the rest of the board of directors of the USB were appointed on a temporary basis until elections are called that have been delayed more than what is established by the regulations of that house of study. The appointment of interim authorities occurred after the absolute absence of the position of rector, after the death, in September 2021, of the rector Henry Ironingt (2009-2021). In the session scheduled for this, the CNU appointed the four authorities of the USB -including the vice-chancellors- although these positions were not vacant. The measure was rejected by students and teachers of this educational campus, also by the Venezuelan Association of Rectors (Averu), who issued a statement at the time.
* Read: CNU makes a fall and clean table and appoints three authorities of the USB by finger
Coercion and inquiries
After the publication of the statement in which the FCEUSB retracts, the Association of Professors of the Simón Bolívar University (APUSB) questioned the letter and pointed out that it responded to the actions taken by the interim authorities.
«We repudiate the abject behavior of the interim authorities of the USB. With the opening of an investigation, they submit and force a communication like this. Deplorable. They put gallantry and magnanimity aside, ”says the APUSB.
We repudiate the abject behavior of the interim authorities of the USB.
With the opening of an investigation, they submit and force a communication like this. Deplorable. They put gallantry and magnanimity aside.
— APUSB (@APUSB) August 6, 2022
The FCEUSB communication of this August 5 closes by indicating that the federation “recognizes that it has no reason to doubt the ethical training of the authorities of the Simón Bolívar University and the highest values that we expect from it.”
*Also read: Rectors of the Simón Bolívar University suspend act after criticism from graduates
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