August 6, 2022, 18:49 PM
August 6, 2022, 18:49 PM
José Luis Ferreira Corema, assemblyman representing the Tapiete people, is the President of the Departmental Legislative Assembly (ALD) of Tarijawith the prospect of resuming activities after an institutional crisis of three months.
Supported by 17 votes, Ferreira prevailed last night in the election in the middle of a locked and heated session.
“There is complete confidence in my person and I am not going to disappoint them because our goal is to work for the department of Tarija, we are going to work with everyone“, expressed the elected head of the legislative entity.
Ferreira, who will exercise the mandate for the period 2022-2023, asked the MAS bench to join the legislative management and work in a departmental development plan.
the assemblyman he is the third indigenous person to hold that position after the Guarani Justino Zambrana Cachari in 2011 and Nicolás Montero Andrechi in 2021.
“We hope that with this election the institutional crisis begins to loosen in the Departmental Legislative Assembly“, said the assemblyman for United and second vice president, Rubén Reyes.
He added that along with the All and the indigenous peoples’ benches formed a block and are a majority in the legislative entitycompared to the MAS.
The session was called to recompose the Commissions and elect the president to replace Federico Salazar, representative of the Weenhayek people, who was revoked from his seat by constitutional ruling in compliance with a Popular Action brought before the ordinary court.