Podemos announced tonight (5th) its support for Simone Tebet’s (MDB) candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic. With this support confirmed, the MDB now has three parties in the alliance for Simone Tebet’s candidacy: the PSDB, Cidadania and Podemos. Before supporting the emedebista, Podemos flirted with the possibility of launching its own candidate. Names of Sergio Moro, who left the party shortly after joining, Senator Álvaro Dias and General Santos Cruz were even considered for their own candidacy.
Alongside Tebet, the national president of Podemos, federal deputy Renata Abreu (SP), highlighted the slate made up of women and praised the participation of women in politics. For her, Tebet and her vice-presidential candidate, Mara Gabrilli, work as a solution to what she called times of hate because of politics.
“Brazil is very divided. Politics has spawned hatred, division, and, more than ever, it needs that careful, motherly look. It needs the instrument that will really change our country, which is love. That’s why we are engaged, I, Simone Tebet and Mara Gabrilli, to show that our strength is alive. Women will fight”, said the president of Podemos.
Just this week, the Tebet campaign had confirmed the name of Gabrilli (PSDB), his colleague in the Senate, as running for vice president. Gabrilli, who uses a wheelchair, has an outstanding role in defending the rights of people with disabilities and women’s agendas.
In his brief speech during the announcement, Tebet extolled one of the most important issues for Podemos, which is the fight against corruption. The presidential candidate for the MDB, extolled the history of the candidates on the ticket and criticized the so-called “secret budget”. This is how the amendments of the budget’s general rapporteur came to be known, which, in practice, can be used as a currency of exchange for political favors because there is no clear information on who receives them and what the value is transferred.
“This candidacy is a clean slate candidacy. She is ready to say no to corruption and yes to the fight against corruption. The diversion of public money is killing at the health center, in the absence of medicine and doctor. It is killing the future of our children, who do not have day care and quality education”, said Simone. “Money has, is just being saved, used by half a dozen congressmen in secret budgets there in the corners of the most distant municipalities of our country, without knowing if the money actually arrived”.