The common good is the element that should guide the action of politics in any country in the world. In ours it continues to be a very distant issue and perceived as very distant for everyone.
Politics has to refocus all its efforts on that. in working for that people live better, so that their living conditions are not as miserable as those we have in the field of health and education, where we are further and further from the levels we thought we were going to leave behind.
The common good has been replaced by the personal interest of many of our politicians. From the president of the republic to the last of the elected who only think based on money, not only to achieve power to support themselves and for later there are many who only wait for the period to end to end up with well-filled pockets and perhaps fleeing the country.
Our control mechanisms are also not working as they should. Our justice system, far removed from the real concept of the term, is not very sympathetic to the desire of the people to punish thieves.
While all this is happening, almost two billion dollars are being stolen from the budget, which could well double the investment in education and health at the same time.