According to the Superintendency of Health, for the third consecutive year, users who were transferred to receiving EPSafter the measures adopted by the entity, showed high satisfaction with the improvement in care.
(This is the social security contribution for independents).
With data from the National Consulting Center (CNC), the entity that conducted the survey for Supersalud, 96% of users stated that they would not change from the EPS to which they were transferred. Likewise, in the study 86% rated the perception of the quality of the services received as ‘excellent’, ‘very good’ and ‘good’, while 77% considered the EPS change to be very positive.
For his part, Fabio Aristizábal Ángel, National Superintendent of Health, assured that “these perception results show that we managed to fulfill this for the majority of the population (…)”.
During the current management, a purge was carried out in the health insurance system, and as a consequence, 14 Health Promotion Companies are currently in the process of liquidation and more than 9 million affiliates have been transferred to EPS.
The sample included 2,630 respondents who belonged to the liquidated EPS, including Medimás, Coomeva, Comparta, Saludvida, Comfacor, Emdisalud, among others. 71% of those surveyed belong to the subsidized regime and 29% to the contributory one.