The Bicameral Commission of Investigation (CBI) of money laundering, had its seventh meeting on Tuesday morning. On the occasion they treated the preceding crimes as smuggling. Initially, the guests were Julio Fernández, head of the Customs Department, and Horacio Cartes, former President of the Republic. However, the latter decided not to attend.
With Fernández, the members of the CBI discussed the functions of Customs, their initiatives and what they are doing to combat smuggling. The former president announced that he was not going to participate in the meeting through his lawyer Pedro Ovelar. He himself alleged that Cartes is a senator for life, as well as elected and proclaimed. Therefore, he does not have the obligation to attend according to article 341 of the Civil Procedure Code, which establishes that “the President of the Republic and the members of Congress are not obliged to appear and must only declare in writing.” In other words, the members of the CBI must submit their queries to him in writing.
“The appearance is not a judicial process. For it to be a process, it requires the presentation of a prior accusation. We cannot accuse and much less punish”, said Jorge Querey, senator of the CBI. Regarding the meeting with Fernández, he replied that he himself spoke about emblematic cases of smuggling cases and also about the shared routes of organized crime. “They promised some progress achieved thanks to international collaborations. For example, some seals on merchandise that can be controlled and monitored internationally”, he pointed out.
Querey stated that they will ask a judge for an order so that he can attend. If he still refuses to appear, Cartes is exposed to a fine to be defined or 15 days in prison. The former president was declared significantly corrupt by the United States on July 22. He was also accused by Executive Ministers Arnaldo Giuzzio and René Fernández of having links to organized crime.
Ministry of Women and the Interior coordinate actions
Within the framework of the PGISC Citizen Security Integrated Management Program, PRL-1077, meetings were held with the participation of the Minister for Women, Celina Lezcano; the Minister of the Interior, Federico A. González and with the representative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Paraguay, Edna Armendariz. The meetings were held in the meeting room of the Ministry of the Interior and were aimed at strengthening actions to eradicate domestic violence.
Discomfort of the Guasu Front
Hugo Richer, a national senator for the Guasu Front, affirmed that his party is considering leaving the Coalition because the pair of Efraín Alegre and Soledad Núñez is “very conservative.” “I don’t want to speak on behalf of the party, I don’t really know what is going to happen. We have to evaluate this candidacy within the parties”, he expressed in an interview with Ñanduti AM radio.
“Ojo de mar” could be a tourist destination
On Wednesday, an inter-institutional virtual meeting took place coordinated by the National Commission for the Defense of Natural Resources (Conaderna), an organization chaired by Senator Juan Afara, with the purpose of planning joint actions for environmental protection and projection as a sustainable tourist destination of the called “Ojo de Mar”, calcareous lake of singular beauty located in the district of Bella Vista Norte, department of Amambay.
TSJE trains political women
The Ministry of Women and the Superior Court of Electoral Justice (TSJE) carried out training aimed at political women, leaders, candidates and all citizens in general, on the Management of the National System of Political Financing (SINAFIP); the Declaration of Campaign Income and Expenses (DIGC) and the Declaration of Related Economic Interests (DIEV), an essential requirement for the registration of the candidates who will compete in the next internal elections.
ANDE will build a solar plant in Chaco
The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) signed the contract to start the construction of the first photovoltaic generation plant, which will directly benefit the community of the original Yshyr people of Puerto Esperanza, district of Bahía Negra, in the Paraguayan Chaco ; this fact also marks an unprecedented historical milestone, so that Paraguay continues to be a world leader in generating 100% clean and sustainable electrical energy.