In advance of the ruling, Judge Ronald Soto Cortez, of the Seventh Unipersonal Criminal Court Specialized in Corruption Crimes of Officials, sentenced the congressman of Somos Perú and third vice president of Parliament, Wilmar Elera, to 6 years in prison for the crime of aggravated collusion .
The sentence is given for his participation as supervisor of the work “Improvement and Expansion of the Potable Water and Sewage System of Pacaipampa, Ayabaca, Piura”.
The former construction inspector Wilder Alexander Mogollón and the contractor José Luis Cortegana Sánchez were also sentenced to 6 years in prison.
Judge Ronald Soto Cortez also ordered Elera, Mogollón and Cortegana to jointly pay a reparation of 1.1 million soles.
The full reading of the sentence will take place on Thursday, August 11.
According to what was stated in the oral proceeding, the aforementioned work had a value of S/ 3,612,717.68 and an execution period of 180 days. The contract was signed on January 13, 2012. However, operations began on May 24 of the same year with a file without the designer’s signature and the partial delivery of the land.
Later, the resident engineer made various inquiries about technical aspects of the project, these could not be resolved as there was no person responsible for the documentation. The judge held that these irregularities were not noticed by supervisor Wilmar Elera.
Therefore, the work was paralyzed and intervened, followed by an arbitration that set compensation in favor of the contractor for one million soles.