The administrator of Acodeco, Jorge Quintero, stressed that this Monday the new price regulation and control decree begins to take effect, after products were added to the basic family basket at the single dialogue table, making a total of 72 items. .
He reiterated that there are already 18 products under price control and now more than 50 have been included in the new regulation, after the meetings at the single dialogue table.
“It is opportune to unify a basic food basket that could cover the Panamanian population. At the dialogue table this issue of unifying the basket was discussed and the commitment is to work on it,” he said.
He added that consumers can check the prices of the basic family basket on the Acodeco website.
The Acodeco administrator said that the reference for the basic basket for June is $285 and its cost will depend on the location of the supermarket.
Quintero specified that in any regulation it is important to analyze temporality, the ideal is to promote free competition.
Economic agents must maintain labels on the products regulated by the decrees for the knowledge of consumers