The Chamber of Deputies will continue the study of the accusatory libel against Sandra Raquel Quiñonez Astigarraga, Attorney General of the State today.
The process began last Sunday and continued for two days in a row (Monday and Tuesday), when it advanced to point seven of the 11 grounds that make up the accusatory libel.
Last Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies approved that the sessions be fully face-to-face again. With this they seek that legislators who want to vote against the trial clearly demonstrate their intentions and not from the privacy of their connections.
Antonio Buzarquis, national deputy for the Liberal Party (PLRA), affirmed that with the change in regulations, what they are looking for is the presence of parliamentarians so that they come to put their “face and chest.” “We say that it is very easy to hide behind a computer, behind a camera and vote against the people, against the people,” he said.
The legislator pointed out that at a minimum, legislators must have the decorum and dignity to occupy their seats and argue because they disagree with arguments. “So far we believe that there are no reasons not to follow what was resolved by the table of opposition parties, in this case, I am talking about the PLRA board of directors and the Liberal deputies,” he said.
The legislator affirmed that all the majority of liberal legislators have already tried to contact María de la Nieve López and Carlos Noguera, both undecided PLRA deputies, however, they were unsuccessful. They are completely missing.
Deputy asks for the creation of a new municipality in Alto Paraná
Legislator Blanca Vargas de Caballero (ANR-Alto Paraná), presented the bill “That creates the district of San Lorenzo del Paraná, in the department of Alto Paraná, and a municipality based in the town of San Lorenzo del Paraná” . The initiative had an official entry in the last ordinary session.
The document aims to create a new district called “San Lorenzo del Paraná”, in the extreme north of the department of Alto Paraná.
Jorge Brítez requests information from the mayor of Ciudad del Este
In the space on Tables, the plenary of Deputies approved two requests for reports addressed to the Municipality of Ciudad del Este (CDE), with reference to the situation of officials in what has to do with dismissals, compensation and lawsuits that have been presented.
Both documents were promoted by the deputy Jorge Brítez (Independiente-Alto Paraná).-
Deputies remember Artemio Bracho
Deputy Esmérita Sánchez (PLRA-Caaguazú), head of the Human Rights Commission, in her capacity as godmother of the Cultural Parliament, participated in the celebration of the International Day of Friendship, in posthumous tribute to Dr. Artemio Bracho, promoter of the World Friendship Crusade.
The event, held at the initiative of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), took place in the morning hours in the Bicameral Hall of the National Congress.
Marlene Ocampos requests information from Bahía Negra
At the initiative of the deputy Marlene Ocampos (ANR-Alto Paraguay), the Lower House approved three requests for reports regarding the implementation of the Urban and Territorial Planning Plan (POUT), of the city of Bahía Negra.
In this regard, the Municipality of Bahía Negra; the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES); and the Paraguayan Indigenous Institute (INDI).
Deputies want to provide more resources to addiction centers
The deputy Antonio Buzarquis (PLRA-Caaguazú), presented a bill “That modifies article 30 of Law 1016, Which establishes the legal regime for the exploitation of games of luck or chance”, with the intention of allocating part of the resources it generates, by way of taxes, to institutions of a social nature.
Specifically, it intends to allocate resources from games of chance to nursing homes, addiction prevention and treatment centers, as well as child and family welfare centers.