The Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh) recalled the burning of the Chapel of the Blood of Christ, in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Managua, on July 31, 2020, and affirms that the majority of Nicaraguans “are convinced that this was a terrorist act.”
The human rights defense organization assures that this event —which according to the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo was due to an accident— was “a declaration of hatred against the Catholic Church for its evangelizing work.”
Related news: Cardinal Brenes commemorates two years of the “terrorist” attack on the image of the Blood of Christ
The Cenidh emphasized that in the absence of a “transparent, impartial and credible” investigation by the Ortega Police, as well as the absence of the opinion of the General Directorate of Firefighters, in August 2020, it sought technical support with specialists and determined that the sinister «It wasn’t because of an exploding bottle of alcohol or because of the heat in the chapel.”
According to the expert consulted by the Cenidh, “it is impossible for the alcohol to have evaporated at that temperature and less than from a small closed container (…) Therefore, if there had been such an enormous saturation of alcohol in that environment, all the parishioners who approached the Blood of Christ they must have perceived the strong, intense and intolerable stench of alcohol as to cause combustion».
They also state that all the material, documentary, analytical and testimonial evidence was selectively eliminated, omitted and organized in the police report “to issue conclusive criteria aimed at supporting a prejudice that biases the testimonial evidence.”
“Although the Ortega Murillo regime and the Police ruled out a criminal hand, the Church and all of Nicaragua are convinced that it was a terrorist act,” Cenidh concluded.
Faced with this two-year-old act that still remains unpunished, Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, Archbishop of Managua, commemorated this attack this Sunday with his parishioners, affirming that “this event that marked our lives is remembered, the commemoration of that attack on our beautiful and consecrated image of the Blood of Christ».
Related news: Bishops in the world brand the attack on the Blood of Christ in Nicaragua as a “criminal attack”
The “terrorist act”, as the Catholic Church itself called it, shocked the entire country. The religious have been in the spotlight since the social outbreak of April 2018 for being close to opponents and supporting activities to care for those injured during the attacks by the government of Daniel Ortega.
The parishioners remember that tragic moment when a hooded individual, who to date has not been identified, threw a Molotov cocktail at the chapel, causing a fire in the area where the image remains and where the Blessed Sacrament is also exposed.
The Archdiocese of Managua described what happened as “an act of sacrilege and desecration.” To date, the entire prelate continues to affirm that it was not an accident.
While the deputy dictator Rosario Murillo anticipated the police investigation and stated that the fire was caused by “a candle”, a version that was later reaffirmed by the Police at the service of her regime, however the Church continues to maintain that it was an “act terrorist”.