The pandemic It hit entrepreneurs of all kinds very hard. A clear example is the world of leather footwear that seeks to be able to take off again, which is why the main producers from different regions of the country have decided to participate in the ‘Expo Leather and Footwear Fair 2022′which will take place virtually.
Yolanda Condori Apaza, is an entrepreneur from Arequipa, owner of “Yolis Import Export”a business that began as a small shoe workshop, which before the pandemic made its sales at face-to-face fairs, but which currently has not yet managed to recover its sales.
Just like her, many people were affected by the situation and have decided to join forces to carry out their businesses in this ‘Expo Feria Cueros y Calzados 2022’, a virtual fair that offers a commercial space for producers to sell their products. .
This initiative is part of the IGNITE project of CARE Peru and Mastercard, which aims to support 36 thousand entrepreneurs in the growth of their businesses and their economic reactivation.
Thus, through the virtual footwear fair, which has as an ally CITEccal Arequipa and Trujillo, it seeks to generate connections between entrepreneurs, suppliers of leather and supplies, for the manufacture of footwear; thus creating new business opportunities.
This event seeks to help optimize the sales of entrepreneurs, motivating more Peruvians to buy footwear with original designs made with quality leather, at fair prices.
Where can they buy your products?
Those interested in supporting footwear and body accessory producers can purchase their products by going to: and clicking on “Leather and Footwear Fair Expo 2022″.
This first edition of the fair will be held from July 22 to 31, and will include the participation of 21 producers from the main cities that manufacture footwear and leather accessories in the country, including Trujillo, Arequipa, Lima and Huancayo. highlighting that 30% of these enterprises are led by women.
“The market currently offers a great diversity of products that do not have the duration and quality that a national product produced by a national producer does offer. For this reason, through the virtual fair “Expo Feria Cueros y Calzados 2022″, we seek to support the reactivation of local producers of the footwear industry in Peru”, explains Jack Burga, head of financial inclusion at CARE Peru and leader of IGNITE in Peru.
It should be noted that the quality and design of the product from Trujillo and Arequipa is superior compared to the foreign product, which may be of lower cost, but of low quality.
Thus, according to the Institute for Research and Development of Foreign Trade of the Lima Chamber of Commerce (Idexcam), Peru exported 2 million pairs of footwear valued at US $19.2 million, registering a growth of 45% compared to the year 2020.