Students seeking scholarships at private higher education institutions will be able, as of Monday (1st), to register for the 2022 2nd edition of the Universidade para Todos Program (ProUni).
Applications are open until August 4th and can be carried out by site from ProUni. The scholarships offered by the program are partial (50%) or full (100%). Among the requirements, the student must have reached an average of 450 points in each subject of the National High School Exam (Enem) and have a grade greater than zero in the writing test. Registered as trainers in the exam will not be able to compete for ProUni scholarships.
The results will be announced in two calls: the first will be held on August 8; the second, on August 22. Results will be available online.
This edition of ProUni will bring some innovations. Among them, entries that will be categorized as broad competition or affirmative action. The order of priority in the call varies by category of application.
Another change is the prioritization of entries that meet the following criteria (in descending order of relevance to the ranking):
» Be teachers of the public education network (exclusively for teaching and teaching courses aimed at training basic education teachers, if applicable and if there are enrolled in this situation); |
» Students who have attended high school entirely in public schools; |
» Students who have attended high school partially in public schools and partially in private institutions (with full scholarship); |
» Students who have attended high school partially in a public school and partially in a private institution (with a partial scholarship or without a scholarship); |
» Students who have attended high school entirely in a private institution (with a full scholarship); |
» Students who have completed high school in a private institution (with partial scholarship or without scholarship). |
To participate in the process, the candidate must meet certain criteria, such as income bracket requirements. per capita. See in the table:
Full scholarship (100%) | Up to 1.5 minimum wage |
Partial scholarship (50%) | Up to 3 minimum wages |
According to the Ministry of Education, the classification of students enrolled in the ProUni selection processes will consider the grades obtained in the last two editions of the Enem, immediately prior to the ProUni selection process for entry into an undergraduate or sequential course of specific training.