Through the network of neighborhood polyclinics in the commune, counselling, sexual health counseling and delivery of educational material were also provided.
The Mayor of Montevideo, Carolina Cosse; the director of the Health Division, Virginia Cardozo; and the director of the Secretariat for Diversity, Sergio Miranda. The mayor declared about the importance of the day and of developing an education campaign for prevention that allows easy access to the information necessary to act in order to take care of our health.
“Here we are proposing an important support network through the polyclinics and actions of the Municipality every year. What we have to add, and we have just defined it with three more directors – of Health, Diversity and Communication – is to promote a campaign in networks educating, because preventive education is important”. “Everything that has to do with health is something that we are going to help with as much as we can,” he concluded.
The Intendancy will carry out one more day of free testing for HIV detection on Tuesday, August 2 at the Bellán Park polyclinic (Av. Agraciada 4241). It will be from 10 to 12 and will have counseling and delivery of educational material. However, citizens are reminded that they can access said exam all year round for free at any of the departmental polyclinics.