The National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), the Ministry of Infrastructure and the concessionaire MRS Logística SA signed, today (29), in Juiz de Fora (MG), the amendment for the early renewal of the Sudeste Network, granted in 1996 for 30 years old. The extension consists of a further 30 years, starting in 2026.
The operation of the network corresponds to the services that are performed on the main railway infrastructure in Southeast Brazil, the most populous region in the country and relevant to the national economy. It is 1,643 km long, spanning the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, with operations in the ports of Santos, Itaguaí, Sudeste, Guaíba and Rio de Janeiro.
“To carry out operations in the network, more than 800 locomotives and 18 thousand wagons are allocated, which corresponds to 16% of the national rail fleet. Approximately 30% of all Brazilian rail freight passes through the rails operated by MRS, which contributes to the relief of roads in the Southeast Region”, informed ANTT.
According to the agency, the early extension of the contract will bring new investments that will provide cargo diversification, greater safety and improvement in urban mobility, with R$ 11 billion in investments in training the railway network, in the acquisition of assets and in projects of interest. public.