A deep and moving message was published by the renowned actor Andrew Parra in their social networks, about life and take new directions.
In a video of almost 10 minutes, Parra addressed people who felt stuck or afraid of changing in some aspect of their lives and assured that we have all been there at some point in life.
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“When you jump into the abyss, the universe casts a net and nothing happens, but fear does not leave you,” said the actor.
In addition, he assured that You can’t let the years go by and then regret what you didn’t do.
“To the people who are sucked in the marriage they have, the job they have, the relationship they have or the way they are living life, don’t wait any longer, it’s not worth it. Don’t turn 80 realizing that you could have done something 40 years ago and didn’t. Resignation is very h1**t@”, said the protagonist of The Robbery of the Century.
“You know you don’t want to be there anymore, you get up every day and say ‘what am I still doing here’ that happens many times in life and it’s a paralyzing fear,” he added.
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He also indicated that the heart already knows what one wants and when one does not do it, that is when there is anxiety and thought.
“The pain will pass, but I think the stagnation is worse (…) We cannot make our life an eternal misfortune. Don’t wait until death is upon you to say ‘this wasn’t the life I wanted’.” concluded.