The regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo consummated this July 28 the cancellation of 100 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), with which they reach a total of 200 more illegalizations in one week. Human rights defenders condemned these cancellations as an attack “against those who think differently.”
The cancellation decree was introduced by Sandinista deputy Filiberto Rodríguez, considered by the opposition to be the “executioner” of the organizations. The Ortega-dominated National Assembly canceled the legal personality of the associations with 75 votes in favor, 0 against and 16 abstentions.
Related news: Nicaraguan Regime Cancels 100 More NGOs
As on previous occasions, the Sandinista deputy argued that these associations and foundations have “transgressed and failed to comply with their obligations” before the law, for which they “hinder the control and surveillance” of the General Directorate of Registration and Control of Nonprofit Organizations. Profit.
Among the organizations banned this Thursday is the Association of Microbiologists and Clinical Chemists, the Common Coastal Block Association (BCC), the Youth Reconciliation Foundation (FRJ), the Association for Sustainable Rural Development (ADER) and the Association for the Integral Development of Children and Youth (ADENIJU).
Among the canceled NGOs, the Legal Assistance Center Association for Indigenous Peoples (Calpi) also stands out, which was dedicated to advising the Rama indigenous peoples and the Afro-descendant communities that make up the Rama and Kriol Territory in the country’s Caribbean. The organization has denounced on several occasions the violations of human rights in indigenous territories, and made visible the massacres that have occurred in those territories.
The Nicaraguan Human Rights Collective Never Again denounces that “to date, the National Assembly has canceled 1,174 organizations. We denounce and repudiate the cruelty against women’s associations, indigenous and regional associations,” said the human rights organization.
Related news: Ortega’s regime annihilates NGOs to “prevent them from exposing the abuses and incapacity of the authorities”
“We also denounce that this closure persecution (goes) against Nicaraguan society that thinks differently. They intend to establish absolute control and a single thought at the national level and that violates the human rights of the people of Nicaragua, we demand that the repression cease,” they added through a video broadcast through social networks.
Only so far in 2022, Ortega has executed more than 900 civil society organizations. NGOs have been accused of violating Law 1040, the Foreign Agents Regulation Law; and Law 977, Law Against Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.