Until this Friday, July 29, Contrata2 will be held, a free virtual event organized by elempleo.com in conjunction with Casa Editorial El Tiempo.
(Companies bet on the recruitment of talent in social networks).
The objective is to make available to the participants job offers throughout the country and provide Colombian workers with the necessary tools to stand out in the labor market. On the other hand, there are talks with experts, material to strengthen skills and the possibility of searching among thousands of face-to-face, hybrid and remote jobs.
After two years of the covid-19 pandemic and the havoc caused at the health, social and economic level in the country, thousands of Colombians still need to enter the labor market.
The economy continues to strengthen and employability continues to increase thanks to the recovery of the sectors.
(That’s how hybrid working has helped drive down resignations.)
Alejandro Ordoñez Moreno, manager of elempleo.com, points out that from the platform what is intended and wanted is “helping thousands of people better understand how the job market works, what they need to do to stand out in the job search process, and connecting them with thousands of job offers. There are thousands of companies looking for people who are interested in joining their work teams, we want to help connect those companies with the ideal candidates”.
Those interested in participating can be linked through the following link www.elempleo.com/contratados.