This Friday night, a violent traffic accident was recorded in the sector known as the Cucamonga slope, at kilometer 170 in the department of Estelí, in which a bus that covers the Managua-Jalapa route was involved. It hit two light vehicles and then plunged into an abyss, official media reported.
Preliminarily it was known that the accident resulted in between 12 and 18 deaths and several injuries, including adults and children. According to the official media, more than 50 passengers were traveling on the bus. The injured were transferred to the San Juan de Dios hospital in the city of Estelí and to the Ada María López Hospital in the municipality of Condega.
According to Radio La Primerísima, citing preliminary data from the Police, the bodies of three people were left on the road and between 12 and 15 of the 90 passengers died inside the bus. “Four other people are admitted in critical condition at the Condega Hospital and more than 30 less seriously ill were transferred to the Estelí hospital.”
Videos circulate on social networks where several people can be seen lying on the pavement, while others were trapped inside the bus, which according to unofficial information, would have run out of brake.
18 people killed in an accident that occurred this Wednesday night on the Kukamonga slope in Esteli. Most of the victims are migrants who were on their way to Honduras, bound for the United States.
– Tirsa Saenz (@TirsaSaenz) July 28, 2022
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The media detailed that among the deceased and injured there are Ecuadorian emigrants and other nationalities who were traveling to the United States. “The bus had left Managua at 3 in the afternoon, with final destination the city of Jalapa. The “El Segoviano” bus is usually scheduled at that time, but due to an unforeseen event it was replaced by the Jarquín Transport unit,” La Primerísima reported.
For its part, the National Police issued a brief statement detailing that the accident occurred at around 6:30 in the afternoon. He added that he is investigating the causes and circumstances of the accident, determining responsibilities and identifying the victims, “tomorrow, Thursday, July 28, 2022, in the morning, a more precise report of what happened will be given,” said the police. Police without specifying a number of injured and deceased.