We finished a succulent dinner with coffee, chocolate bread and chipilín tamales to invite businessmen from the country to participate in the draw on September 15, in which the prizes will be lots in Playa Espíritu, Sinaloa. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/EGsw1MEZnX
– Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_)
July 28, 2022
Businessmen such as Carlos Slim Domit, the president of the Telmex Board of Directors, attended the National Palace meeting; Daniel Chávez, from the Vidanta group and adviser to the president; Carlos Bremer, from Value Financial Group; Francisco Cervantes, president of the CCE, and Jesús Vizcarra Calderón de Sukarne.
Officials from the federal government also attended, such as the person in charge of the Mayan Train and the director of Fonatur, Javier May. The special guest was the governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha.
The president’s guests were offered chipilín tamales, chocolate and bread.
Inside the Treasury Hall, a screen was placed with a lottery ticket corresponding to the “Great Special Draw”, which will be held on September 15 and in which prizes for 240 million pesos and eight macro-lots will be raffled at Playa Espiritu, Sinaloa. A raffle was also entered and screaming children attended.
This is the second dinner that the federal president offers to businessmen in which the National Lottery raffle is included. In February 2020, the president met with businessmen whom he invited to purchase tickets for the presidential plane raffle.