The first Argentine Alfajor Fair will be held from August 1 to 5 in downtown Buenos Aires, it will award more than 45 awards to producers from different parts of the country and a specialized jury will select the “best alfajor in the world”, informed the organizers.
The fair will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the 1st floor room of the Central Gallery located on Corrientes and Florida avenues in the City of Buenos Aires, with income through Corrientes.
During the last two days of the fair, on August 4 and 5, they will carry out the world championship, where a specialized jury will select the “best alfajor in the world” under a “strict procedure” of blind tasting among the samples sent by producers. of all the Argentine provinces that “are measured under equal conditions”.
Your products will be subjected to a “sensory evaluation” of the jury, they detailed.
The jury It will be made up of the chef and president of the Professional Gastronomic Council of the Americas, Cristian Ponce de León; the gastronomic journalist Carolina Balverdi; and alfajores influencers Hernán Montes, Juan Manuel Logiacco, Mariano Lopez and Facundo Calabró.
It will also be integrated by the director of Cielos Pampeanos who participated in the formulation of the Alfajor Quality Protocol (in the Ministry of Agroindustry), Silvia Chus; chefs Lucas Fuente, Pablo Remaggi; and the enterprising pastry chef Agustina Laporte.
In turn, during the fair they will reward different categories of alfajores with more than 45 prizes and medals.
Among the categories, they listed: Best Dark Chocolate, Best White Chocolate, Best Dulce de Leche, Best Fruit Filling, Best Simple Alfajor, Best Triple Alfajor, Best Biscuit, Best Confectionery Alfajor, Best Traditional Flavor, Best Exotic Flavor, Best Texture , Best Alfajor Aroma, Best Packaging, Best Healthy Alfajor and Best Cornstarch Alfajor.
The winners of each category will participate for the “Best Alfajor in the World 2022”.
According to the organizers of the fair “In Argentina, 70 alfajores are consumed per second, approximately 6,048,000 alfajores per day.”
“The focus on the Quality of Alfajores is a concern of all fans of this noble and historic pastry piece that is present in the daily lives of millions of people,” they added.
The event is supported by the BA Gastronomic Capital City Government program, the Argentine Regional Cuisine Association and the Professional Gastronomic Council of the Americas.
The Admission will be free for all public and must be previously requested through the platform Eventbrite.