The Group of Priests in Option for the Poor repudiated the “current destabilizing climate in the country” and accused the “financial power and owners of the media” of “defeating any measure that would make it possible to deal with an economic crisis that drags” from the Cambiemos government.
“We witnessed in amazement an immoral show, staged to lead public opinion to accept and even support the rupture of the normal functioning of the institutions of the republic. Ironically, those who star in it say they are doing it in the name of the republic itself”said the religious through a document released this Tuesday.
“All these sectors at the service of the holders of economic power, committed not only to maximizing their profits, but also to failing any measure that allows them to face an economic crisis”
In the letter -titled “A Republic without the poor in the center is a fiction”- denounces the “failed politicians in their own management, who today insist on exercising the ‘the worse, the better,’ even when that “means violence”.
“Pseudo-journalists and opinologists, knowing liars who have become psychologists, moralists or whatever it takes to serve their employers. They explicitly call for the fall of this government elected by the people,” they stressed and They targeted “venal judges who can no longer hide their partiality and lack of interest in serving the law”they remarked.
The document recalls that “an ex-military man (Aldo Rico), a paradigm of insubordination, hypocritically shielded behind the image of the Virgin, shakes the ghost of the darkest time in history recent in our country. Concentrated and concerted media to demolish our people’s hope for a better future.”
“Pseudo-journalists and opinionologists, knowing liars who have become psychologists, moralists or whatever it takes to serve their employers. They explicitly call for the fall of this government elected by the people”
“All these sectors at the service of the holders of economic power, committed not only to maximizing their profits, but also to failing any measure that allows them to face an economic crisis that has dragged on since the government of the Cambio (Cambiemos), aggravated by the crisis of the pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine (both crises, it must be emphasized, used to increase their profit to incalculable levels at the expense of the misfortunes of the poorest)”.
“A veritable symphony of evil, orchestrated by characters and organizations as stateless as money”they held.
The notice