Colorado Pedro Bordaberry, lobbyist Guido Manini Ríos and nationalist Álvaro Delgado lead the internals of their political parties, according to a survey released Monday by Equipos.
National Party
When asked who they would prefer as candidates for president of their party, in the National Party the most mentioned candidate is the current president Luis Lacalle Pou (19%), who cannot be reelected in 2024according to the Constitution of the Republic.
Among the presidential candidates, the most mentioned is Alvaro Delgado (18%)followed by Laura Raffo (14%). “Even though his candidacy has not been formally confirmed, many political actors take him for granted and consider him an almost natural candidate for the ruling party,” says the survey, referring to the current secretary of the Presidency.
Below both candidates are George Gandini (4%)the vice president Beatriz Argimon (2%) and the current Minister of the Interior, Luis Alberto Heber (2%).
A curiosity that the survey shows is that Daniel Salinas appears with 5%, but does not belong to the National Party, but to Cabildo Abierto. “It is a fact that may be unknown by part of the electorate,” he points out.
Colorado Party
Peter Bordaberry is the one who heads the preferences in this political force (27%). follows him Julio Maria Sanguinetti (12%) Y Ernesto Talvi (11%).
“Former senator Pedro Bordaberry today is away from political activity, and although there is much speculation about his possible return, there is no certainty at this stage of events that this will happen,” says Equipos in the survey analysis.
After that trident appears Andres Ojeda (4%), Ope Pasquet (3%). 32% do not know.
Town meeting
The internal of this political party is the “clearest” of all. Guido Manini Rios is the one who leads comfortably: he has the 75% of the mentions. The Minister of Public Health, Daniel Salinas, follows with 10%.
“In the case of Salinas, who has publicly stated that he has no intention of being a candidate (but, in fact, he is competing for the presidency of the Pan American Health Organization), there is the curiosity of being mentioned as a presidential candidate in two matches at the same time (it was also mentioned within the National Party),” says Equipos.
Data sheet
The study was conducted between June 24 and July 9, 2022 from a face-to-face survey. 700 people over 18 years of age and older, residing in towns with more than 2,000 inhabitants throughout the national territory, were interviewed.