Perupetro indicated this Monday that it is ready to sign the license contract for Block 192 with the company Petróleos del Perú (Petroperú) in the coming days, in accordance with Supreme Decree No. 009-2022-EM, promulgated by the Executive Power.
The said decree authorizes Perupetro to sign the license contract for the exploitation of hydrocarbons in Block 192 with Petroperu and no other company is involved in the signing of said agreement.
In that sense, he pointed out that the choice of a possible partner by Petroperu for Lot 192 it is an exclusive decision of the state oil company, for which it clarified that it does not intervene in said determination.
“Any future transfer of interest in Petroperu in favor of a third party must comply with the requirements set forth in current regulations and in the contract itself“, accurate Perupetro it’s a statement.
He also indicated that the promulgation of the supreme decree will allow the reactivation of oil production in Lot 192, generating important income (through the canon) and economic reactivation for the Loreto region and, mainly, for the communities located in said lot.
It should be noted that Lot 192, whose production has been paralyzed for 27 months, is one of the most important lots for oil production in the country.
Perupetro estimates that oil production in Block 192 will be 12,000 barrels of oil per day (BDP) in a first stage and could reach 25,000 with greater investments.
Agreement with communities
The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem)with the support of Perupetroin September 2021, concluded with the prior consultation process of the Lot 192achieving 99 agreements with the communities located in the area of influence of the contract.
In this way, operations will restart in Block 192, within a framework of broad social acceptance, obtained in good faith and with high levels of intercultural dialogue.
Among the most important agreements stands out the constitution of a social fund that will be administered by the communities of Block 192.