Regarding whether their current economic situation is better or not than last year, 15.3% consider that it is better; 39.8, the same, and 43.8%, worse.
Regarding the evaluation of the management of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on a scale of 0 to 10, the Mexican population evaluates him with a 6.2, and Governor Alfredo del Mazo, with a 4.9. In addition, 16.7% rate AMLO with 10, against 4.3 for Del Mazo Maza.
In addition, 45.8% of the population considers that the main problem of the state is insecurity.
Regarding the intention of the vote, 34.4% leaned towards Morena; followed by 15.1% for the PRI, 10.4% for the PAN, and 22.3% undecided.
Of the 20 women who were registered in the first phase, the head of the SEP, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, obtained 47.3%; followed by the morenista national counselor Xóchitl Zagal, with 13.4%, and Hilda Ramírez Mota.
In the case of men, Senator Higinio Martínez obtained 28.8%, followed by Luis Fernando Vilchis Contreras, with 25.3, and in third place was the head of the National Customs Agency, Horacio Duarte, with 17.4%.
Regarding the results towards the local contest, Delgado Carrillo said that “the State of Mexico prefers our movement over the other political forces. In other words, we clearly have an expectation of victory in 2023.”