Properties that the Union failed to sell in public bids will be offered to the public in a new way. The Secretariat for the Coordination and Governance of the Union Heritage of the Ministry of Economy (SPU) started to offer direct sales through the site SalesGov. In some cases, there will be a 25% discount on the initial value.
The mechanism was regulated by the Ordinance 5,343 of the SPU, edited June 10. The new rules determine that, in the first unsuccessful bid attempt, the property can be offered in the direct sale modality, for 100% of the appraisal value. In the event of two unsuccessful bids, the property will be offered again, with a 25% discount.
In traditional bids, the one with the highest bid wins. In direct sales, the first person or company that expresses interest buys the property. The properties are being presented for direct sale through a public notice, published in the Federal Official Gazette and on the VendasGov website, at least 10 calendar days in advance. Currently, the page offers four properties for direct sale, such as a building valued at R$2.3 million in Fortaleza and a plot of land in Porto Alegre for R$1.7 million.
Only taxpayers with an account in the Portal If there is more than one interested party, priority will be given to whoever submitted the first request, ranked in chronological order. SPU will contact the buyer within 15 calendar days after the request is registered.
According to the SPU, the acts related to the direct sales process – including those carried out by electronic means – will be documented in the respective administrative process. The stages will have their regularity verified by the internal and external control bodies.