Between the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in 2022, the number of foreign exchange transactions grew by more than 90%, despite the rise in the price of dollaraccording to the technology company specializing in exchange
On the other hand, in relation to transactions, more than 75,000 have been registered in the first six months of this year.
“So far this year there is a slight upward trend due to external factors such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict; rising inflation in the US and Europe; and interest rate adjustments, which causes this increase in the exchange rate to cause a contraction in the demand for the purchase of dollars. However, we have managed to serve more than 13,000 clients so far this year, a figure that doubles in the first half of 2021″commented Jorge Chang, CEO of Tucambista.
The report also revealed that there are three times in the year when the demand to change dollars grows. In the months of December and July, for the payment of gratuities and in the month of March for the payment of utilities, given that users usually pay their debts.
“These months are key to be able to evaluate the behavior of users, also in the case of companies they usually make their changes more frequently from the fortnight until the end of the month because that is when they have to disburse payroll payments or pay suppliers ”noted the expert.
Likewise, the techno-financial company reported that, in the first half of 2022, the average ticket in the B2B field was US$5,000, while the B2C public was US$1,500.