Procon-SP notified the fuel distributors Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo, Raízen and Vibra Energia to demonstrate the economic impact of the reduction of CIDE, PIS/Cofins and ICMS taxes on the sales price to resellers, gas stations. The reduction should directly impact the consumer.
Companies must inform the final prices of regular ethanol and regular gasoline practiced on a daily basis, from June 20 to July 25, and forward the sales invoices for these fuels. The agency wants companies to demonstrate, in the period, how much they reduced the final price of common ethanol and common gasoline due to the tax cut.
“The questions are based on research on the reduction of taxes on fuel prices and the impact on the final price to the consumer sent by Sincopetro (São Paulo State Petroleum Derivatives Retail Trade Union) and Recap (São Paulo Retail Trade Union) of Petroleum Derivatives of Campinas), which points out that there was no full transfer of the tax reduction by the distributors to the gas stations”, disclosed the agency, in a note.
According to Procon-SP, the information must be provided in detail, through a spreadsheet, indicating the sale prices each day and the value in reais of the reduction applied. The deadline for providing clarifications is until July 26.
Vibra Energia informed that it will provide the necessary clarifications to Procon-SP and that the company has already started transferring the tax reduction to its entire network of service stations and other customers and will continue to do so as their inventories are renewed. “It is always valid to say that the prices charged at pumps throughout Brazil are free and the amount paid by the final consumer is not managed by Vibra, and the decision is up to each reseller”, he added.
Sought by the report, Raízen informed that it would not comment on the matter. Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo did not respond to the request of Brazil Agency until the end of the report.