The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) made public, this afternoon (18), the result of the reanalysis of the diplomas of participants in the first stage of the National Exam for Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Higher Education Institution (Revalidation).
The documents of those candidates who appealed, within the prescribed period, against the initial disapproval of their diplomas were reanalyzed. The result of the process can be consulted through the Revalidation Systemon the participant’s page.
The first stage of Revalida 2022/2 will be applied on August 7, in eight Brazilian cities: Brasília, Campo Grande (MS), Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio Branco, Salvador and São Paulo. Participation in the second stage depends on passing the first, which includes objective and discursive tests.
To participate in the first stage of Revalida, the participant must have a degree in medicine issued by a foreign higher education institution; recognized by the Ministry of Education or equivalent body in the country of origin of the document and authenticated by the Brazilian consular authority or by the process of the Convention on the Elimination of the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents.
In the case of refugees who do not have their diplomas, or in other cases provided for by law, it is possible to prove the condition through specific documentation, attaching to the Revalida System the supporting documentation issued by the National Council of Refugees of the Ministry of Justice (Conare- MJ).
Revalida is composed of two stages (theoretical and practical), which address, in an interdisciplinary way, the five major areas of medicine: internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and family and community medicine (collective health). References are care in the context of primary, outpatient, hospital, urgency, emergency and community care, based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Medicine Course, associated regulations and professional legislation.