Luis Tagliapietra, plaintiff attorney for relatives of victims of the sinking of the ARA San Juan and father of Alejandro, one of the crew members of the submarine, ratified this Monday that he will go “to the last consequences” in the fight for “truth and justice” and anticipated that the political trial of the judges who dismissed former president Mauricio Macri will be requested, among other judicial resources.
“We are going to criminally denounce these judges and we are also going to ask for their political trial. We are working hard on these issues, some of which obviously require that they be raised after the judicial fair; Let’s not forget that this ruling was notified to us on Friday at 2:00 p.m. already at the fair,” the lawyer told Télam Radio.
This is how it was expressed Tagliapietra after hearing the decision of the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires, that bears the signatures of judges Mariano Llorens, Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi, and that dismissed the former president and the former heads of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) of that Government, Gustavo Arribas and Silvia Majdalani, after considering that the intelligence tasks to the relatives of the crew members of the ARA San Juan submarine, which sank in November 2017, would not have been illegal, but rather maneuvers to protect presidential security.
In that sense, the lawyer maintained that they are already working on the Cassation appeal that he considered as “what immediately corresponds by law”.
“This is because obviously the ruling is final because it tends to terminate the investigation and, obviously, a wrong interpretation of the law and the evidence. Practically this ruling allows all the possibilities required by the Cassation appeal”, pointed out.
Secondly, Tagliapietra anticipated that they will also “file a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) because it is a ruling that clearly violates the Pact of San José de Costa Rica”since he maintained that he is trying to “legalize internal espionage activities against citizens under, clearly, an absolutely unsustainable argument.”
“So for us, as we are very respectful of the law, we will refer to what it requires,” he stressed.
And he added that “of course we will continue to fight for truth and justice, because something that the former president has to know is that the truth in a criminal proceeding is aired in an oral and public trial, not through legal chicanes and unsupported appeals. “.
“So we trust, we continue to trust Justice, and we will go to the last consequences”Tagliapietra completed.