The Ministry of Transport reported that during the period of holidays In winter, some 650,000 people are expected to travel by train and plane, for which blood alcohol control and documentation operations will be carried out on national routes.
During this periodthe portfolio headed by Alexis Guerrera will strengthen control operations and present free cultural shows, including “EnTRENtenerte”, which will take place in Rosario. The actions seek to promote connectivity and care for people during holidays.
The official said that for those who depend on tourism it is important that control agencies redouble their efforts so that movements during holidays are carried out safely, without alcohol consumption and road recommendations are respected.
We are facing a very good tourist season during these winter holidays in which we are going to have a huge movement of people in all modes of transport.
Meanwhile, Martín Marinucci, who is in charge of Argentine Trains Operations, assured that during Rest More than 55 thousand people will travel by train to the most requested destinations, these are: Mar del Plata, Rosario, Pinamar, Tucumán and Córdoba.
Flights by Aerolineas Argentinas
The authorities of Aerolineas Argentinas estimate that at least 600,000 people will travel in the holidays winter, with 978 frequencies each week. The most visited places are Bariloche, San Martin de los Andes and Ushuaia.
Occupancy levels in these destinations are above 90%, while flights to the city of São Paulo, Brazil, also stand out. The authorities believe that this season will be very good, compared to the previous two due to actions due to the pandemic.